The ASEAN Cosmetics Association, Inc. (ACA) consists of organizations from different countries that aim to harmonize and maintain cosmetics regulations, upgrade the standards of technical competence and scientific expertise in the local industries and expand the cosmetics trade in ASEAN.
In February 2001, the ASEAN Cosmetic Association, Inc. decided to work with various lead countries in ASEAN to address the infrastructure needs and programs of the cosmetics industry within the region. This step was taken in order to support the regional harmonization of cosmetics regulations.
For Cosmetic GMP, Malaysia was chosen as the lead country; for Safety Evaluation/Post Marketing Surveillance, the lead country is Singapore; and for Asean Scientific Committee, the lead country is Thailand. The ACA is proud that, since 2001, it has helped to educate and increase awareness on cosmetics regulations and product safety through training, print publications, and workshops on Product Information File (PIF), Good Distribution Practice and Sunscreen Warning Label, to name a few. ACA has also helped to define limits on ingredients in matters of great urgency.
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